Kid's Classes
Grades 1 - 8
Skill Focused!
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Mixed Media Classes for Grades 1 thru 8

Our program for young students teaches the same artistic concepts developed by our Founder, Harold "Pete" Petersen for adult students, but it teaches those principles in a manner that matches the age of the student.  First, our instructors always work to maintain the child’s self esteem and personal sense of creativity through constant positive reinforcement. Concepts like color, proportion and design are regularly introduced and reinforced in ways that the student can utilize at their age and level of development. Students have the opportunity to work in diverse media including pencil, charcoal, pastels, and acrylic paints. School competitions and projects are also supported and utilized to encourage expression and support student success in their regular school activities. Classes are available for grades 1 through 3, grades 4 through 6, and grades 7 and 8 (students in Grades 9 though 12 can take any adult class we offer).  Each class is taught once a week for two hours on a year around basis to ensure continuity for the students.  While most adult classes require students to provide their materials, our kids classes have an added $10 materials fees which covers all need materials which are provided at each class.

Concepts and Skills Elementary Grades 1-3

     These young minds are at an extremely creative place in life and also a place needing great support.  To often we see adult students who even as adults recall an errant comment by a teacher or someone else criticizing their art when they were very young.  Often it “turns them off” of art for years to come.
     At this age key artistic concepts are introduced in these wonderful young minds, but criticism, if any, is limited.  Generally all efforts are praised and then further developed with new information appropriate to each students level of comprehension.

Concepts and Skills Elementary Grades 4-6

     As students enter the second half of their elementary years they usually become ready for more advanced visual concepts and gradually for more corrective but still positive criticism.  Even so our instructors are aware that every student is different and that criticism must be carefully presented to enhance understanding while also building self esteem. 
     More complex concepts like perspective,  composition, proportion, color and other drawing and artistic skills are developed in grades 4 to 6. 

Concepts and Skills Junior High Grades 7&8

     Junior High students receive instruction that has content that often similar to that offered to adult students.  While ready for that content, this time is one of great social development and change. Being in a class focused on this special time in their life works best for them as growing young artists.
     In this age group, art projects become more involved and aesthetically complex as their ability to accurately render various subjects grows.  Positive reinforcement is carefully balanced with correction to maximize growth.