Register For New Classes Here. Selected Classes Are Available Now For New Students at 50% OFF: Just $60 for your 1st Month!*

Registration in our classes is easy!  You can enroll in any “Open,” class (see our schedule for classes that are open: those that are not currently at the maximum number of students, usually 12).  If a class is full, you can still fill out a registration form (below) and we will put you on a waiting list and let you know when we can put you in the class you desire, or you can just select another class.  Once you are enrolled we will let you know when your first class will begin (usually within the next week to the beginning of the next month).
Additionally new students (those not enrolled in the prior six months) may choose from a great selection of classes each month available to them for 50% off (just $60).  This gives you the chance to try us out at a little less!  We hope you have a fabulous experience and you’ll stay next month at our regular tuition (still a great value).  To view the classes now available at half price go the “Discounts and Specials Tab.

Please fill out our registration form
The first information you'll need to select is a class number and a class date
You will find class numbers on our class schedules

Fields with Asterisks (*) are required.

Contact Preference:

Registration, Payment Policies & Release

Enrollment and Registration for any class is effective when a student or parent of a student contacts the Petersen Art Center Inc. (Petersen Art Center) by phone, email or internet and registers for any open class. Important: AT THIS POINT YOU ARE ENROLLED IN THE CLASS AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE ENROLLED AND RESPONSIBLE FOR ONGOING MONTHLY TUITION UNTIL YOU WITHDRAW BY EMAIL (, PHONE (801-467-5444) or IN PERSON at our office (teachers cannot accept requests to withdraw). Withdrawal must be requested prior to the first class of that month, otherwise you remain responsible for tuition that month. If requested after the first class of the month withdrawal becomes effective at the beginning of the following month. Withdrawal is completed when you receive an emailed confirmation of withdrawal. Until then you continue to be responsible for tuition on a month to month basis at the current posted monthly tuition fee as listed on

Tuition and Discounts

Tuition for all ongoing instruction is due by the 12th of the month, for that month. Current tuition for all classes is listed on the Petersen Art Center website: This tuition $120 is for four weekly class sessions (unless otherwise noted). Students (not including New Students using the 50% off Discount) may subtract a timely payment discount of $5.00 if their payment is delivered or postmarked by the 12th of the month and their account is otherwise current. In the event anyone living at the same billing address takes an additional classes (including the same person taking a second class), tuition for those additional classes will be discounted by 10% more if paid by the 12th (10% more will be deducted after the timely payment discount is applied). Unless otherwise noted, ongoing tuition is paid for the opportunity to attend four weekly class sessions at the time listed on the website.
Since there are 13 weeks in every three month period, the school will close for one weeks vacation every three months (leaving three, 4 week months). The week’s vacation does not affect tuition which is for four weeks and student’s will be notified in advance of it’s scheduled dates.

Refund and Withdrawals

Tuition will not be refunded for any classes a student misses. When possible instructors will allow students to make up missed sessions in other classes (if schedule and attendance allows). Make up classes are offered as a courtesy and are not a condition of this contract. Make-up classes may be used only by current students who are paid in full for the month in which they are making up the class. Students may not utilize make-up classes after withdrawing. In the event an ongoing class session is cancelled for any reason by an instructor or the Petersen Art Center all students in that class will receive a refund or credit towards the next month’s tuition for that session. Other refunds of tuition will only be made in the case where tuition is paid in advance for a month, and request to withdraw is made prior to the first class in that month.


I agree I am solely and legally responsible for the use of any art or other materials while at the Petersen Art Center and agree I will use the products and materials available at the Petersen Art Center Inc. with care and caution. I realize that there may be hazards known and unknown associated with the use of said products and I release and hold harmless the Petersen Art Center from any and all liabilities, claims or cause for action associated with the use of such products by myself or by any minors attending classes under my authority. Further I agree that said minors / children which I am legally responsible for and enroll will use the products and materials available at the Petersen Art Center with care and caution, and I assume full responsibility for said use.
By accepting this agreement I freely accept all conditions and terms as noted herein and warrant that I am fully able to exercise same.

If you have questions not answered here, please email us at or feel free to give us a call at  801.467.5444  for a prompt response!